Deciding which network marketing business opportunity to pursue can often be difficult task and time consuming. This process is difficult mostly because it is hard to tell which reviews of a certain programs are biased and which are not. My goal in this article is to give you a brief summary on why I did not join EDC Gold, hopefully by the end of this article I would have helped you in your evaluation process and help you not make a mistake and waste you money and time. The main problem I had with EDC Gold was the products I would be selling. My problem was not because of the products themselves but the fact that the market for these products was heavily saturated and my competitors were more advanced in advertising these products than me. The digital and electronic sector of online business has many outlets that offer better prices and service than EDC Gold could ever offer. I know as a consumer my first stop is going to be ebay over any EDC site that does not seem as credible. In the long run the products you sell and the marketing system you operate will determine the longevity of your success. Do yourself a favor and do your due diligence on their products and I am sure you will come to the same conclusion I did. There are tons of extremely viable network marketing business opportunities online. EDC Gold reps prey on the newbies to the business that are uneducated about what type of business model actually works in this industry. Again I cannot reiterate the point enough, to not take my word for anything, do your own research and I am extremely confident you will find the same things I did. There are certain factors in a network marketing business model that an owner can compromise on, the product should never be one of them. I hope this summary of EDC Gold provides you some educated insight to the business opportunity. Good luck on your research into which network marketing venture will fit you best, I hope this article was of some help to you in a positive way. Discover how a normal, everyday 3rd shit employee cracked the $100K a month code with The Abunza System. Also, visit the blog of Ricky Hickman at Ricky Warmly, Ricky Hickman |
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