Government grants are announced each year to release grant money for new projects. One of the newest business grants being funded is for projects that utilize or study the impact of digital technology, including those that deploy digital technologies. These Start-Up Grants can comprise up to $30,000 in outright funds.
Oh, you've heard government grants are only for non-profit organizations? Maybe you've been advised government grants are just hype and no funding is available to individuals or the small business. Don't believe it!
Visual artist Nancy L. Purington, of Iowa City will use her 2007 funding to create and frame photographs and artwork in compositions inspired by the Mississippi River. Nancy received a grant of $6,500.
Okay, maybe a small grant of $6,500 won't change your life, or expand the business you now own. There's that belief you can't get grant money needed to increase or start your business. Guess what? In May 2007, TechSolve, Inc. located in Ohio is a private company and they received a grant award of $1,464,470. This isn't hype. Funding is documented online. TechSolve's grant money award can be found on the US Department of Labor's web site.
So now the question in your mind is how did they do it? That's exactly what The Grant Authority book teaches you. This book was written for the business person, the college student, the self employed, and those with the desire to forge ahead to attain their greatest potential. The Grant Authority gives you leading edge knowledge. Below is a tiny example:
What grantors really want you to say in your grant proposal.
Online research tools to find potential grants that others do not find.
Learn to prepare and submit grant proposals online, a must for today's grant writer.
Want to explode your bank account with free grant money? Then order GRANT AUTHORITY TODAY and begin writing your grant success story. The Grant Authority book is your valuable comprehensive training manual you need. Buy it now; do not wait, because government grants get snatched fast by those who know the secrets this book teaches you.