This credit card is absolutely ideal for the book lovers out there. If you shop regularly at Borders or Walden books than get ready to start reading! As a card holder you earn great points for shopping at Borders, Walden Books, Borders Express, Borders Outlet and Borders and Walden Books online. With these earned points you can choose to receive a gift certificate to any one of the book stores listed above, gas or restaurant gift cards and many other great options. There is no limit to the points that can be earned so you can start earning right now! Another added bonus for book lovers is that card holders will automatically be enrolled in the Borders Reward Program where you receive exclusive membership discounts and more! This Borders Rewards card also offers their card holders the standard benefits that no credit card can go without. &bull Up to $500,000 in travel insurance &bull Auto Rental Insurance &bull A variety of travel emergency and services If you are a card holder who generally carries a large outstanding balance on their credit card than you may find this particular credit card to be a bit more expensive than the others. The Borders Reward card program relies on the Two Cycle Average Daily Balance method to determine the finances that are to be charged to your account. This costs more for people to maintain a daily balance than it does when the Daily Average Balance is used. If maintaining a balance is your style of managing your credit card than this may not be the right card for you. For card holders who would rather pay off their balances in full than you will find this credit card to be extremely satisfying. With no annual fees and the 0% interest rates on purchases for the first twelve billing cycles you are saving a bundle just by being approved! The application process is simple and easy to access online via their website. Once approved you can spend and earn at the same time! |
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