Credit Counseling Can Help you Escape Debt

By: Ronnica Rothe

When you are sick, you go see a doctor. When your car breaks down, you see a mechanic. When your finances are out of whack, you go to a to receive the care you need. An accredited credit counselor can provide you with the assistance you need to understand your options and choose the best one for you.

Credit card companies certainly make it easy for you to charge up your credit cards. Incentives are given to encourage you to sign up for more cards and to charge more on them. You would be hard pressed to find a retailer or a restaurant which does not take major credit cards. Many companies will even send you checks in the mail that will allow you to simply transfer balances rather than make an actual payment on your cards. Credit cards are so convenient so credit card debt is very common.

If you have found yourself like many Americans with a stack of credit card debt uncomfortably high, there is help. A can sit down or talk on the phone with you personally and understand your situation. Based on your income, expenditures, debt, and future plans, the credit counselor can offer you the best solution in a range of options.

A credit counselor can help you come up with a reasonable budget. With a budget, you will know exactly how much you can afford to put towards paying down your debt and how much you can spend each month to avoid further credit card debt. Using a budget can help you stay on track and make progress as you seek to become debt free.

The credit counselor might offer you a debt management plan. In many cases, this type of plan will be the most beneficial option available. A debt management plan is a type of debt consolidation, though it is not a loan. With a debt management plan, you will be able to pay one convenient monthly payment that will cover each account on the plan. The debt management company will then distribute your payment as specified to the credit card companies.

The debt management company will work directly with your creditors to negotiate you a better deal on interest and fees than you can get on your own. This will allow you to pay off a more manageable amount. With the plan, you will also have a timeframe for getting your debts completely paid off. With this goal in the future and the pleasure of seeing your balances dwindle month by month, you will have incentive to continue paying off your debt.

If you want to know if a debt management plan might be right for you or if you simply want your financial situation analyzed by a professional, . Whether in person or on the phone, they will know the right questions to ask you to get a feel for your situation and be able to provide you with the information and encouragement you need to take the next step.

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