You can save a lot of money with a credit card 0 percent interest deal.
Some people are not aware that you can get a credit card and pay no interest. Of course there is normally a particular amount of time the no interest applies, which can be 6 months, 12 months, 15 months or 18 months. This is where you need to pay attention.
When you look close at the fine print, you need to make note of a few things.
1. How long of a period does the 0 percent interest apply
2. Is there an application fee?
3. Is there an annual fee?
4. What does the interest rate convert to after the promotional period?
5. Is there a grace period, and if so, how long?
6. Are there any other applicable fees?
First, and foremost, you want to know the answers to the above questions. Equally important, you also want to deal with a bank you can trust.
You can sometimes find extra perks available with your new card. These perks are typically advertised as rewards. There are rewards for air miles, gasoline, rebates, hotels, points, and cash back, to name a few. These rewards can be very enticing, but again, make sure you read all of the fine print.
If you are an avid credit card users and pay your bill each month as it comes due, definitely look seriously at those bank cards that offer a rewards program. If you travel by air or vehicle often, those extra air miles and gas rewards can be a great benefit to you.
People look for a credit card with 0 percent interest for one of two reasons (or both):
1. To pay no interest on purchases
2. To pay no interest on balance transfers
You can sometimes even find both of these options available together on the same card.
Before you apply, think about how you will be using that credit card. Will rewards benefit you? Will you be using it for purchases which you will pay for at the end of the month? Will you be using it to transfer the balance from another interest bearing credit card?
All of these things are important to know before you make your final decision because there may be fees attached to your new credit card that you need to be aware of.
Do you want to know the best place to apply for a credit card with 0 percent interest? You can easily and conveniently apply online, but not just anywhere online. You have to be careful when applying for credit cards, as every time you do it is reported on your credit file. So, compare features, narrow it to the best offer, and then apply.
We can show you how to easily shop and compare for the best deal at our website.