Do you know the details of the Chase Cash Back Credit Card Application? This is a nice card issued by Chase for someone with very good credit that wants to take advantage of a card with a great cash back program. When you use this card, you earn one point for each dollar you spend on all purchases. When you have earned a total of 2,500 points, you get either a $25 check or a gift certificate at your choice of many participating merchants and retailers.
You also get a bonus 1,000 points with your first purchase. The only downside is you are limited to 60,000 points a year. However, even with the limitation, this is an excellent cash back card program. If you plan on having a large revolving balance on this card, it is going to be expensive as they use the "Two Cycles Average Daily Balance" method to calculate your finance charges.
There is a long term 0% introductory rate on purchases and balance transfers (12 months) and no annual fees associated with the Chase Cash Back Credit Card. After the first 12 months, your APR for purchases is 13.99% Variable and your APR for cash advances is 23.99% Variable. The card has no minimum or maximum credit limit, a $35 over limit fee, no annual fee and no fees for additional cardholders. Late payment fees are $15 if balance is less than $250; $39 if balance is $250 or more and there is a 3% cash advance fee with a minimum of $10.
If you qualify, do not plan to keep a high revolving balance on your card and you want to take advantage of the reward program, then this is a great card option for you. There are also other common platinum benefits that come with choosing this card such as auto rental insurance, extended warranties for purchases, and up to $500,000 in travel accident insurance.