
By: Yue

To those who live a life of credit. Having a credit card is considered the force in getting most of the needs and wants in modern day living. From utilities to food, most people in the west use credit cards to pay for everything. It's pretty common to have a minimum of 2 plastics per family member, or even more.

As of the moment my country is more to cash-to-cash basis, since not all people have credit cards. I would like to assume that most class A and B families have plastics. Having a credit card is more of a luxury than of a commodity. If I' am not mistaken our APR rates are fixed even to those with good credit card standings and are over rated.

As of the moment I only have 1 credit card, the main reason why I applied for one is the convenience of not going to the bank and get money to pay for the things I shop and to pay my bills easily online. Credit cards are not bad however its pointless to have one if you don't have the power to pay it off. That's where people get into trouble. Sad to say some credit card companies mostly consider people who're good customers if they have revolving accounts; these are accounts where people only pay the required minimum compared to those who pay on time. By not paying in full they can charge you with interest.

The usage of credit cards maybe addictive yet through self-discipline you can control your spending frenzy and save money. Pay your bills as soon as possible else you'll feel you're in a pit of dept that seems years to pay off.

Credit Cards

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