There is an old clich?hat goes along the lines of "what is old is new again." This clich?like many clich? has a certain sense of truth to it. For example, remember in the old pirate movies where the hero would purchase things using gold coins? Well, that old school method of purchasing is back! No, you do not have to carry gold dablooms around in a sack as the whole process has been modernized. Now, thanks to an internet service called Egold the ability to make payments/receive payments in gold can be processed over the internet electronically. Yes, gold is back in a big way!
When the internet first started to grow significantly in the late 1990's, many people forecasted that this would have a significant effect on the world of commerce. While these forecasts were, in general, true they were also significantly underestimated. Today, the amount of internet commerce that occurs has greatly expanded far beyond many people's wildest dreams. In addition to all sorts of retail and small business sales, a significant volume of banking and financial transactions occur online as well. This has led to many unique and innovative examples of variants on traditional wire transfers and credit card and debit card payments. One such unique and innovative financial transfer service is Egold and it is growing rapidly in popularity by the day. There are some, however, who may not have heard of Egold yet and for these individuals a proper introduction to Egold is necessary.
By its own definition, Egold is "electronic currency" that is backed by gold reserves. In other words, the financial transfers processed by Egold are back by the company's gold bullion reserves and the payments that on makes are essentially the electronic transfers of gold itself! The way these transfers work is that one opens an account with Egold and then transfers monetary value of gold to merchant accounts that accept Egold payments. Of course, one could also open a merchant account and receive payments as well in the same manner other common online transaction services operate.
There are a number of benefits to using Egold as a financial transaction service and the most important of all the benefits is that payment is instantaneous. That is to say, there is no need to wait for a check to clear or credits to be applied. All transfers are immediate and this expedites the processing of all purchases made through Egold. Additionally, because Egold trades in gold as its currency it is the easiest to system for use on a worldwide basis and is not reliant on currency conversions when transferring funds for international purchases. In fact, Egold credits can not be bought or sold in the form of any national currency. It is gold bullion and it stays gold bullion!
Of course, this brings about the question as to how one can convert Egold into hard currency. The answer to this is that there are a number of "exchange services" that can remit gold into currency. The way in which Egold is remitted varies and includes tried and true methods such as cutting a check or money order, wire transfers, or even credit card adjustments. As such, when you need to "cash out" your Egold deposits there will be little difficulty in converting it to cash.
Egold is a novel, unique and innovative means of internet payment services. Its unique nature and user friendly service will surely allow it to grow in popularity. Perhaps in time it may even overtake some of the more popular forms of online transaction services such as Paypal and Firepay. This makes it a company well worth keeping an eye on.