How to Create a Compelling Articles Resource Box

By: Biana Babinsky

You just finished writing a new article that your target customers will love. Your introduction is strong, and keeps the readers wanting to read more, you provide a lot of useful tips in the article, and you end with an encouragement for the readers to use your tips in their life or business. All in all, a great article.

Is your work done? Not at all. You still haven't written a very important part for your article - the resource box. A resource box is what comes right after the article, the 2-4 sentences that include your bio and a link back to your business web site.

The article's resource box is your only chance to convert the article reader into a lead for your business. This is why it is extremely important to make your resource box as effective as possible. Here is what you should include in your resource box:

- Information about you, the author. The first sentence in your resource box should introduce you to the reader. After all, your readers can't do business with someone they don't know. You don't need to share your whole biography, but sharing a few tidbits about what you do will help your article readers get to know you just a bit better.

- A free resource that the reader can subscribe for or request from you. Your article resource box is a great place to offer your readers a free e-course, newsletter or special report, to get them further exposed to your expertise. You want to be able to keep in touch with your article readers long after they have read your article. Make sure you make them a great offer in order to be able to keep in touch.

- Call to action. Tell your reader how to get your free resource, bonus or free gift. Use phrases such as subscribe to the newsletter, register for e-course, get a free gift, to get the readers to look at more of your resources.

Over to you - let's take action! Take a look at your own article resource box, and see how you can make it more appealing to your article readers. Remember, the more compelling the resource box is, the more leads you will gain for your business.

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