Give Your Book A Selling Chance Before You Write It, Part I

By: Earma Brown

Imagine thousands of people buying your book all over the world in the coming year. Furthermore, they love it and write you about how it has helped them. They even email all their friends about your insightful book. Sound far fetched? Believe it; it could happen to you! Keep reading only if you want to give your message the selling chance it deserves.

To start with, every part of your book should be a compelling part of your message. Every part should be written passionately and designed to be a sales tool. Touch your readers' emotion with passion for your topic and you'll sell more books. In fact, when you design your book to include the passion points below, you'll sell more books than you ever imagined.

Passion Point 1 Write Your Book's Thesis Statement

Write your book's central thought or main point into a one sentence thesis. This one sentence thesis proclaims the general mission of your book. If you want your readers to keep reading to the end, write tightly focused copy. Make every sentence and every chapter support your thesis statement. Better yet, if you're writing your book fast (Write Your Best Book Now - 7 Step Program) using the question-answer method the thesis is the main solution your book offers.

Passion Point 2 Direct Your Book to Help One Targeted Audience.

I don't want to hurt your feelings but not everyone will want your book. Even so, I am convinced there's a community of people in your field waiting for you to solve their problem. What problems does your message solve for them? Develop an audience profile (picture) and keep it in front of you as you write. That way you can visualize a real person to solve problems for.

Additionally, knowing your market before you write will help you write focused, compelling chapters. Writing to a specific person or group of people will keep your readers reading to the end. Write too general and your readers may fall asleep and never come back to your book after they wake.

Passion Point 3 Sizzle Your Book Title and Cover.

Your title may well be 90% of the pulling power for your book. Researchers say you have 4 seconds to hook your potential buyer. An excellent title is short. The top titles are benefit driven. Don't forget to heat them up with emotion. Use terms your audience can relate to. Use action words and verbs. Quantify change with ways and time limits. Use one or two word ideas to tell a story. Pledge change. Spark interest. Instead of "How to Write an E-book" the author chose the title "Ten Secrets to Write Your E-book Like a Winner." She quantified change, sparked interest and branded her title.

Passion Point 4 Invest In Your Front Cover

Have you seen the sign, "We Buy Ugly Houses!" Based on the company's popularity, it works for them. But it doesn't work in the book business. Ugly book covers get overlooked. Well designed book covers sell! Hire a professional graphic designer to help you. Professionally designed covers costs from $130-1400 or more. The cover of your book helps make the important first impression with readers and even book-sellers. Remember, the attention of your potential customer is captured largely and first by the cover design.

Passion Point 5 Compose Your Book Back Cover Before You Write.

This is ranked the second most important "Passion Point" for your book. Think about it in choosing a book to read for yourself, how many times did the title and front cover hook your interest enough to pick it up? Then usually you turn it over to see if you really want to read it. On the back cover, you put the most compelling ad copy, benefits, testimonials, and a small blurb (bio) about yourself. If your prospective buyer likes it they will buy instantly. If they need more information to make the decision they will preview your introduction and table of contents.

No matter how good your book is, if you don't use the above simple tips in setting it up you may never sell as many books as your message deserves. Start today. Enthusiasm and passion are contagious. Give your book the best selling chance possible. Fill it with enthusiasm and passion for your topic to sell more books than you ever dreamed.


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