High Speed Cad, Plm & Pdm Documents

By: Thomas Cutler

Elmo Solutions, the leader in extraction and processing of PDM metadata, announces the immediate availability of its Elmo Search software. Elmo Search is the world's only affordable, enterprise search product designed to meet the distinct needs of CAD Managers, R&D Managers, IT managers, end-users and senior managers. Elmo Search enables searching within AutoCAD, Autodesk Inventor, Word, Excel, PDF files, emails, and many more document types. It is designed to increases employee efficiency and productivity by delivering highly accurate search results, in just a fraction of the time required by other technical document management (TDM) solutions. It also allows the creation of separate groups of documents, or "collections", each targeted at specific groups of interests within the enterprise, while complying with existing file security permissions. Elmo Search also constantly monitors document changes in a document collection, automatically indexing new and updated documents on-the-fly within seconds.

This unique software solution ships in two languages (English and French), and is available to qualifying organizations as a free, fully functional, permanent 5,000-document license for download directly from the Elmo Website at http://elmo.irisco.com/elmosearch/product_overview.htm. The free license can be upgraded to accommodate much larger numbers of documents, at a cost that can be as low as 5 cents per document. Elmo Search not only addresses the needs of Autodesk users, but also those of all their colleagues, particularly those who share data with them throughout the enterprise.

According to Ricardo Talbot, Chief Science Officer with Elmo Solutions, "Our decision to introduce yet another search engine, in a crowded market where our company easily appears dwarfed by players with galactic market capitalizations, may sound foolish at the first glance. However, our market research and initial customer reaction have shown that Elmo Search should quickly capture a strong share of the TDM segment of search engines. We really believe this powerful solution will help CAD and non-CAD customers obtain the best possible return on their huge past investment in the creation and maintenance of their digital design data and metadata.

About Elmo Solutions:

Elmo Solutions Inc. (http://www.elmosolutions.com/elmolink/elmo_link.htm?Ref=070108) is the leader in managing CAD/PLM metadata, and provides unique software products such as Elmo Search, the enterprise search engine software for CAD/PLM and other documents; Elmo Link, a CAD companion software application that provides a live, bidirectional, "hot" link between CAD/PLM and MRP/ERP applications; and Elmo BoM, a standalone application that allows batch extraction of the metadata found in CAD/PLM documents in a single operation."

Elmo Solutions provides comprehensive professional services related to the creation, maintenance, transformation and processing of CAD/PLM metadata. Elmo Solutions is headquartered in Quebec City, Quebec, Canada and has users in 42 countries. Elmo Solutions is an offshoot of IRISCO du Quebec Inc., a professional services company specializing in Products / Property / Project Lifecycle Management. Established in 1976, its customers include manufacturing companies, public utilities, engineering and government organizations.


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