Tap Into the Book Writer Inside You

By: Earma Brown

Have you given up on writing your book? Don't give up! Others have taken their dream off the shelf this year. You can too! First, let's get rid of the top two book writer blocks. You don't like to write that much and think you have to hire a ghostwriter. You hate research and think you have to do tons of research. The good news is you don't have to hire a ghostwriter or do tons of research.

Your readers just want solutions to their questions and challenges. If you have the answers, you are on your way to writing an easy to read, well organized, compelling book. Don't hold back any longer; tap into your natural book writer. Your audience will love reading your book full of solutions to their challenges.

Here are some tips to help you tap into the natural book writer inside you:

1. List top questions and topics of your audience.

For instance, if you want to write a book to help those in your work field, what questions do you hear the most in your daily work? What concerns and topics always come up in your area of expertise? In a book about dieting versus life style eating changes, my dietician friend asked questions like: where are you now in dieting? Why do you go from diet to diet with little success? What are your weight goals? Her topics included 7 solutions through life style eating changes and exercise.

2. Write the number one challenge your book will solve.

Successful book writers focus on one topic per book. Each chapter of information must support this number one challenge. Again, my dietician friend's audience number one challenge was how to lose weight naturally through lifestyle change eating and exercise without pills, surgeries, etc. All of her chapters are solutions supporting that one goal.

3. Develop a working title.

Speak to your audience in this title. In a few words let them know how your book will help them. "Lose Weight Naturally in 7 Easy Steps" could have been a working title for my dietician friend. Even if this working title is not quite the one you end up with. It will serve to help keep you inspired and your writing focused. Focused writing becomes a compelling book. If your writing becomes scattered and unfocused your reader's attention may scatter as well. If you lose their attention, they may never finish your book.

4. Group your top questions and topics into categories.

Your categories are actually your chapters. Give each category/chapter a working title. When you start writing the solutions to each chapter, you don't have to start with chapter one. Start with whatever topic you feel passion bubbling at the moment. Better yet, start with the easiest to build momentum. Load benefits into your chapter titles.

5. Write your chapter introduction.

The introduction should include a hook and a short statement about why your audience will read the chapter (thesis statement). The hook need only be 1-2 sentences like a powerful quote or 2-3 questions that lead the reader into the content. Though short, your thesis statement should include benefits. Remember keep answering the question for your reader, "What's in it for me?"

6. Assign one question per chapter.

Focus on one question or challenge in each chapter. After asking the question, write the solution with your tips, how-tos, inspiration and stories. This will become the bulk of your chapter. Don't forget to use engagement and interest tools like headings, sub-headings, list, pull quotes, side-bars, worksheets to keep your reader engaged and reading. A straight page of text may put your reader to sleep. When they wake up they may never pick your book up again.

7. Write your chapter ending.

Your non-fiction chapters should always have a summary. Give each chapter an ending of about the same length. After the ending, you can include action steps or thought prompters followed by a 1-2 sentence enticer statement leading your reader to the next chapter. Make it your mission to get your reader to want to keep reading to the next chapter. Include a couple benefits that they can look forward to in the next chapter.

If you don't use the above principles, you may be this time next year still wondering if you can make your book dream a reality. My vote says you can do it. You know the problems your audience face; now write the solution. Your audience will reward you by buying your easy to read, compelling book and telling all their friends about it. Go ahead tap into the book writer inside you and make your dream a reality.


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