The Importance of Critique Groups and Services

By: Christopher Guerriero

Writing a book can be a sole endeavor. You spend countless hours typing away at your computer or even writing your manuscript in long hand. These creative hours are often the most enjoyable part of writing a book. You have expressed your thoughts and ideas. When you type the words “THE END" you may feel as though your book is a best seller. It is dangerous to think this way because your book may appear strong to you, but not to your potential readers.

If writing a book only to please yourself and have the manuscript remain in your desk drawer is your priority then you don’t need to worry about improving the manuscript. However, writing a book for publication is most likely your intention. Your potential readers are going to vary widely on their review of the book. Therefore, you want to present your book in the best light possible. You can achieve this by reviewing your book in a critique group or service.

A critique group or service will give you the outside perspective that you need. Critique groups can spot typos and grammatical mistakes that you may have missed. These items are often missed when writing a book because you spend so much time involved with the book. Your eyes become accustomed to certain grammar and mistakes. An outside reader has a fresh pair of eyes that can root out these mistakes.

Critique groups and services can also identify areas where your plot line is confusing, weak, or inconsistent. They can help you determine whether or not a character is believable. Critique groups and services are also beneficial when writing a book because they can provide suggestions to help strengthen your manuscript.

Where can you find a critique group or service? You can consult local and national writing groups. There are writing groups and associations for nearly every genre of writing so scour the Internet for a group that meets your needs. You may find a critique group in your area or a group that operates solely online.

Do make sure that your critique group does not involve family members and friends. These readers will be biased and may not be familiar with how to write a book. Seek out unbiased sources that will give you an honest opinion whether it is good or bad.

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