How many times do you start out doing something with fresh vision, insight, and inspiration from God and others and then something happens?? Mid-way through the plan, halfway down the road, smack dab in the thick of it you start looking at others to see what they are doing.? You are not dancing your own dance. Have you ever watched someone who is learning to dance, sing, or play a musical instrument for the first time?? What you will most likely observe is them staring at others who have been dancing, singing, or playing longer.? You know you are not dancing your own dance, when you find yourself comparing your gifts, talents, and abilities with others. Let’s keep building on the analogy of the beginning dancer.? The dancer not only looks but also begins to integrate steps, moves, and strides of “perceivably more seasoned" dancers into their dance routine.? Although it really feels awkward and unauthentic, coupled with the continual nudging of His Holy Spirit in another direction, they keep dancing someone else’s dance. I may not see it, and you may not see it.? At the same time deep down inside they know the truth--they are not dancing their own dance.? How long have you been dancing someone’s dance?? Perhaps so long you don’t even know it’s not your dance.? I wonder what does your dance look like? I’m also curious about what’s keeping you from dancing your own dance, singing your own life song. Dance your own dance whether others can see you dancing or hear you singing your song.? It’s okay.? You are not dancing for them anyway.? Maybe no one even knows who you are. Dance, keep dancing anyway.? Yes, sometimes you will not have a dance partner.? You may have to dance alone versus dancing with a partner who is not dancing their own dance and singing their own song. Some of you may be saying, “I don’t even dance." I say, hmm…maybe that’s the missing ingredient.? Who knows?? Just try it.? Pick up one foot, put it down, pick up the other, put it down, and repeat until you stir, shake, and make yourself free.? When you commit to dancing your own dance, count up the cost.? You will miss it occasionally, it requires stepping out into the unknown.? Your feet may look like a wet duck at first, and you may take 4 steps backwards before you can fox trot with grace.? The important thing is that you get moving, take a step–even if it is a baby step.? Before long you will be dancing your own God-inspired dance and singing your own God-inspired song.? Remember, it may not look like the dance everyone else is doing. As you begin to build momentum, don’t let what others are doing or saying sway your feet in another direction.? Keep your focus on your feet and the sound you are making.? It’s your unique sound and distinctive footsteps that will impact those who God intends. I urge you to Dance and Sing for the King of Kings… Karen M. Pina GOD’s Coach (c) 2007 Gifts Ordained By Direction/Karen M. Pina. All Rights Reserved
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