No matter how often you speak on conference calls, a simple reminder or look at do's and don'ts can assist you with your next conference call. These conference call tips have been proven to eliminate annoyances and help you to convey the professionalism you desire. We will take a look at some conference call mistakes and how to avoid them.
1.Never use a cell phone to join a conference call. The only exception being if you are inside a car and everyone on the call knows you will be joining from the road.
2.Make sure the phone you are using has no static or other interference. There's nothing more distracting than someone's phone emitting strange noises, detracting from the year end review.
3.If you are a work from home employee, plan on immobilizing yourself for the duration of the call. Don't wash the dishes while the boss is detailing the fiscal year finances. It can really dry up your career potential if they hear that water splashing.
4.Know your devices. If you're using a speakerphone, know what buttons to push to mute the speaker. In fact, use the mute button to eliminate the chance of your coffee spilling onto your laptop and the explicative flying from your mouth. If you're using a headset, become accustomed to it before doing your first conference call. Know how the mute button works and test it out. It's better to be prepared then telling everyone how miserable you are on the call, when you thought only your coworker would hear.
5.Know the times and agenda for each meeting before calling in to the call. This conference call tips will help you to stay focused throughout the call and not talk about something unrelated, when you believed you were involved on a different call.
6.Take notes, but try to do it on paper, not with the clacking of the laptop keys resounding in the speakerphone. If you must use your laptop, mute the microphone until you need to be heard. After all, you can't take notes while you're speaking.
7.If there are a lot of people on the conference call, introduce yourself when you speak. It can be done without much formality, but its better they know who is sharing the golden idea, before someone else slips in to take credit.
There are many conference call tips that can assist you in dealing with behaviors and appearances. It is important to remember to use common sense. The best conference call tips come from knowing yourself and your own limitations. By being professional, courteous, and insightful on the conference call, the rest will just fall into place.