The biggest perk in getting business credit cards is being able to separate your business and personal expenses. This is an important factor in establishing the business as an entity separate from the owner. In the past, all small business credit is based on the owners personal credit. However, this can cause problems, especially if the business owner has bad credit. You need to establish business credit so that you will have a chance to build a good credit history that will help you to get loans or other credit needs. You will also be able to have a record of business expenses with the help of business credit cards. These credit cards will also allow you to get additional credit cards for other key figures in your business. This is means that if a purchase needs to be made, you can send someone else to do it without worrying about hassles. Many business credit cards also offer reward programs that allows you to earn free air travel, merchandise or even gas rebates for making purchases with your card. Business credit cards can be a really good thing for a small business. These cards offer perks and can really help make things easier for you. But, you will still have to carefully manage these credit cards by making sure that payments are made regularly, and that your debt does not get out of control. You will find that having business credit cards will be quite beneficial to your business if you use these cards responsibly.
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