The use of Credit Cards abroad has become one of those modern day conundrums. Due to increasing incidences of theft it is quite understandable to see people?s reluctance in taking cards with them abroad. Though not necessarily impossible, with your cards, travel abroad can be surprisingly hard.
The usage of plastic has gone from being a rarity and the preserve of the wealthy to almost a daily occurrence for us all. In a nutshell they have now become an almost essential item for day to day living.
This of course presents a problem for those less fortunate amongst us who have difficulty in either acquiring a credit card or trying to understand their correct usage.
This situation is further exacerbated by the recent sub prime crisis that originated in the US but has now spiraled almost out of control through out the worlds financial centers and now threatens our day to day usage of conventional financial instruments. The knock on effect of all of this has been an ever increasingly complicated approach to the application and processing of credit cards.
The problem is that none of the financial institutions themselves really want to come clean as to the best way to apply for their particular financial offering for fear of abuse of the system. Fair comment as at the end of the day, it isn?t the financial institutions themselves that lose out despite there overwhelming protestations, it is us. How is us I here you ask? Simple, we are the ones that they pass the increased costs of risk and underwriting through to by way of increased penalties and charges.
Yes, the situation is that probably never has there been a wider range of credit cards and financial instruments available for us to choose from but paradoxically never has there been a harder time from which to apply for one of these financial instruments should we wish to do so?
Back to my initial assertion, why do we need Credit Cards and what is it about the use of credit cards abroad that would appear to be so complicated.
Those amongst us who have tried to hire a car at a foreign airport will realize how essential a credit card actually is. Without one, life in the modern day financial world is well nigh impossible. However there are certain rules and regulations that you have to be very careful as you the cardholder.
Be very careful as to the exact time and location of the usage of credit cards abroad. It is not quite as simple as perhaps the credit card companies would like to make out.
Simply put, depending upon your overwhelming creditworthiness you may find yourself at the wrong end of an unofficial usage limitation. You may not realize and they certainly won?t admit to it but there is enough anecdotal evidence around to support the theory that your card usage may be limited after a certain number of uses of your card over a fixed and limited period of time.
Yes folks the usage of credit cards abroad is not quite as simple as the Card companies would like to make out and therefore bear this mind when you next review your requirements and application status for your next piece of plastic.
Using Credit Cards abroad definitely makes life easier but you have to know how to use Credit Cards abroad wisely and correctly.