Bad credit credit cards are ideal for individuals having a problem with their credit histories. These people are the best customers of banks, as they have to pay high interest rates on mortgage, car loans and insurance policies. Above all, they do not get credit cards that easily because of their bad credit history.
Such a situation becomes extremely frustrating because many individuals afford to pay monthly credit card bills but banks do not approve them with cards. Therefore, there is a possibility of crisis in times when they have to make an immediate purchase, which is possible only through credit cards.
If you too have bad credit, then you can opt for bad credit cards. These cards may appear as standard cards but they help you to repair your credit history. The reason behind this is that the companies submit your credit details to the credit bureau who decides your credit score. If you make the payments on time, you eventually get an opportunity to improve your credit record through bad credit credit cards.
Comparing Features:
Bad credit cards Type 1:
These types of cards have low interest rates. More often, you will come across companies who charge you with initial fees of $29, which is not that pricey at all.
A typical bad card has a one-time fee of $124, annual fee of $48 and $6 per month as account maintenance charges. This makes the cost of your bad credit credit card to total of $244.
You need to opt for such cards when you cannot obtain other secured credit cards.
Bad credit credit cards Type 2:
These types of bad cards have high interest rates. Initial fee of these cards are $29. It carries monthly maintenance charges of $6.50 that brings the price of these credit cards to $107. The yearly fee of $150 makes these cards even more expensive.
Bad credit credit cards Type 3:
These cards have average annual fees and interest rates. Individuals simply need to pay only the initial fees, which can vary depending on their credit scores. Annual fees for some cards can be as less as $39, while for others it may be $79. Here, people do not have to pay monthly fees, that is, these types of cards are best for people having utterly bad or no credit scores.
There are significant differences between all the bad credit credit cards that we have analyzed. Among these, cards of type three offer the best value. No matter which card you choose, if you make your payments on time, then it will positively reflect on your credit report.
As a result, you can easily obtain loans, other cards and insurance policies at low interest rates, thereby enabling you to save many dollars.
The pathway to improve or rebuild credit score might appear a bit difficult initially but it is ultimately beneficial in the long term. Bad credit credit cards are the best way to improve your damaged credit. As long as you remember to learn from your previous mistakes, you will have no problem rebuilding your credit.