Overwhelmed with the debt you face? Plagued with a 30 year mortgage, student loans, car loans, multiple credit cards, and even possibly a 2nd mortgage?
There is nothing to worry about! John M. Cummuta can help you perform a reality check on your debt situation. He helps you set up achievable financial goals.
But be honest with yourself if you want this course to work for you. In fact, it's almost impossible for you to progress through the next steps if you haven't faced the cold hard facts of what debt has really cost you.
If you have made up your mind to get got of debt, you should undertake a downloadable course named Transforming Debt into Wealth® offered by John Cummuta. You have worked hard to earn and save money and John M. Cummuta will help you move towards the financial freedom you had always dreamed of. The course is full of knowledge; there are various valuable tips and advice that you can use in your daily life.
Unique features of program -
The unique point that this course provides is that it gives "Knowledge, Power, and Money" to average people like you and me. With this program, you'll learn how to prioritize and pay off every penny of your debt in the shortest possible time.
The program will teach you how to focus every dollar you're currently using on debt payments toward building your wealth. And best of all, it will show you how to do all of this with the money you already make!
Also, he provides a laundry list of tips to cut corners, and some of them are good. This book is a must read for every person, no matter where you fall on the income scale.
You get a Downloadable Transforming Debt into Wealth® Course which includes workbooks to help chart your course and two hours of streaming audio training that is jam packed with helpful advice, examples, and motivating real life tips to meeting your goals
Here's what the Transforming Debt into Wealth® course covers :
VOLUME 1: Where Does Your Money Go?
1. How to get all the things you want without using credit.
2. Learn the psychological tricks used to get you into debt.
3. Who is after your money and how to protect yourself?
4. The financial tools they didn't teach you about in school.
5. How to own your life versus owing your life.
VOLUME 2: Credit - Your Financial Enemy
1. The credit system is stacked against you.
2. Avoid being manipulated into poverty.
3. The big credit lie they hope you never learn about.
4. Defend yourself from being legally robbed.
5. Work sheets for starting you cascading debt elimination system.
VOLUME 3: The Cascading Debt Elimination System
1. 3 simple steps to start elimination debt quickly.
2. How to find money to pay your debts without another job.
3. How to buy a car for 1/2 price.
4. The dirty little secret car dealers are terrified you'll find out.
5. 7 tips that can slash you grocery bill by 35% - 40 %
VOLUME 4: Wealth Building (Now that you're debt free)
1. the most powerful invention Albert Einstein ever saw.
2. When investing less will yield more - this will shock you.
3. How to protect yourself against emergencies.
4. The easy fundamentals of wealth building.
5. The lucrative secret of Dollar Cost Averaging.
Potential monthly income -
John does not claim to any specific figure that you may earn on a monthly basis. But he does guarantee that if you use his workbook you will surely get debt free. If your debt situation is very bad then the process can take up to 5 to 7 years.
This time frame is based on a national average of people who have participated in the Transforming Debt into Wealth ® program and are not a guarantee. Participants must purchase the program in order to calculate their own specific out of debt date for themselves - and then follow the program exactly as outlined in order to ensure its success.
Legitimacy -
The course offered by John M. Cummuta is called Transforming Debt into Wealth®, and its Nightingale-Conant's #1 best seller, and has been for more than three years now. For 40 years people from around the globe have been turning to Nightingale-Conant to enhance their Personal Success!
They provide more than 150 authors with over 1,400 wealth building and personal development programs. Experts such as Zing Ziglar, Denis Waitley, Anthony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Stephen R. Covey, Jay Abraham, Robert Kiyosaki and hundreds of others.
Price -
This downloadable Transforming Debt into Wealth® course can be yours for only $39.95. John M. Cummuta is so confident in the value of Transforming Debt into Wealth® program that he gives you an entire year to try it and if you aren't satisfied for any reason at any time during that year he agrees to pay you the $39.95 back plus another $39.95. That is double-your-money-back guarantee. You can't lose in this bargain.
Remember, this program by John Cummuta is jam packed with helpful advice, examples and motivating real-life tips to help you meet your goals!