I wrote this article because the term Christian debt consolidation is highly searched on the likes of google and yahoo. Now I've got to be straight and say I am no fan of consolidation loans. They are often "sold" as the answer to our prayers but many times there is a less costly solution that better suits our needs. Don't get me wrong Christian debt consolidation loans have their place but they should form part of a debt reduction plan and not be seen as the only available answer.
First of all lets start by examining why we may think a Christian debt consolidation plan may be worthwhile.
Some debts are good e.g. home loan and others are bad e.g. loan to pay off credit card. Experts argue over the definition of good and bad debt and usually fail to reach agreement. Why is that? Well it's because debt is a personal thing and what one person classes as a good or worthwhile debt, another perceives as bad.
Let me suggest that debt only becomes bad when it causes you financial hardship and you find it difficult to keep up the payments. This could simply be the result of borrowing too much but for many it is due to a change in financial circumstances such as medical bills or the loss of a job.
In such situations a Christian debt consolidation loan can look like a great option. It offers the promise of rolling our debts into one payment. Often the payment is lower than the total before because it may be possible to secure a lower interest rate. However, payments are most often lowered by extending the number of years over which the loan is repaid. Did you know that in the long term this is actually much more expensive?
So, if your struggling to make ends meet and sadly, millions of Christians around the world are then your way out of debt starts by asking for and accepting help.
Now before we continue, please bear in mind that there are many different Christian debt consolidation solutions out there in the market place. Often, because of media advertisments the first thing we hear is the term Christian debt consolidation loan and we automatically assume that could help us. Often times we take up an offer without fully exploring all the options.
Always seek the advice of professional Christian debt consolidation service before entering into any form of agreement with creditors or restructuring finances.
Christian Debt Consolidation Services include:
Debt Consolidation Loans
Credit Repair
Debt Payment Plans
Credit Card Consolidation
Credit Counseling
Creditors Negotiation
Snowball Payment Plans
Any one of these services could be right for you and often, a combination of different options can prove to be most effective.
My message then is don't accept a Christian debt consolidation loan as the answer to your prayers. With the information provided here you are now better placed to explore the other available options.