When you are in financial difficulty, unable to pay off all the debts but are willing to salvage the situation in order to avoid filing for bankruptcy, then debt negotiation is probably the last and best options for you. Debt negotiation may require highly qualified professional in order to get the job done effectively in favor to the borrower. Not all of us can do that if you choose to negotiate yourself with the lenders. The other option is to contact a credit advisor but some people are scare that the mission may fall into the wrong hands. The following guidelines will provide some good ideas whether you should do it yourself or let the credit advisor help you with debt negotiation.
If you own small amount of debt, the first option is to contact the lenders and negotiate with them to accept a lower interest rate or repayment. They will be reluctant to accept the offer since you are paying lesser than the full amount. However, most lenders have no other better options will have to accept it. At least they have the chance to take back some of their money which is better than bankruptcy. The do-it-yourself debt negotiation can be very successful if the sum of money you owe is small. But always do your homework first and calculate the acceptable amount you are willing to repay without fail before you negotiate with the lenders. You are now offering a deal with the lenders for not filing a bankruptcy and not the lenders decide the amount for you. In this situation, you are not only helping yourself but also doing the lenders a favor although it seems that it is not a perfect win-win situation because the lenders are getting lesser than the full amount.
What if the sum is a large one? Then it is advisable to leave it to the credit advisor. Their experiences can make a difference between a successful and an unsuccessful negotiation. The reason is that not many lenders are willing to deal with individual if it involves high risk with large amount of money.
The next thing is to choose the credit advisor wisely. Most importantly, pay attention to the fees they are charging. Do not pay what you think is not worth paying for. Also, check the fine print in the contract and make sure you understand what services you are getting before signing. If you are not sure, check with the FTC and IRS; they have some guidelines to help you choose your credit advisor wisely. You may want to check with the Better Business Bureau and State Attorney General's Office of Consumer Protection, their information will certainly help you find the best credit advisor you intend to hire.
Once you have settled your debts you are on the way to restoring your credit report.