20 Warning Signs you *may* Have a Debt Problem

By: Tyler Lee

I'd be lying to you if I said I didn't know what it was like to be in debt. And chances are, you would be too. The pressure of being in debt can make it hard to live. Period. Having to worry about things like making your next payment to creditors and simply putting food on the table can be, well, overwhelming. And if you've been receiving letters and phone calls from creditors and banks, it makes things even worse. Then, when the bills really stack up, bankruptcy comes into play.

But I think we're getting ahead of ourselves here. I'm going to list below 20 warning signs that you may have a problem with your debt situation. And I don't mean a problem as in, "Honey, the baby just went #2." I mean you really have a problem... As in, "Honey, why is the IRS in our house this morning taking all the furniture outside?" All jokes aside, if this is the case, you need to find some help...like a solid online debt consolidation agency.

Without further due, here are 20 warning signs:

1. You are juggling bill payments, holding off one credit card to pay another debt.
2. It becomes more and more difficult to make ends meat each month.
3. Credit cards become a necessity rather than a convenience.
4. You find yourself using credit cards to pay for normal expenses such as groceries.
5. Your credit card balances continue to increase.
6. You have several credit cards that are at or close to the credit limit.
7. You begin decreasing your monthly credit card payments.
8. You apply for new credit cards because you don't have any money.
9. You dip into your savings to cover non-emergency expenses.
10. You find it hard to save every month. (Even the smallest amount.)
11. You are receiving calls or letters (or both) from creditors and bill collectors.
12. You are unaware of how much you owe and dread finding out.
13. You are spending more money than you bring in. (Big No-No)
14. You have to borrow money to pay some of your monthly bills.
15. It becomes difficult to pay normal expenses.
16. You continually hide how much you are spending from your family and friends.
17. You have recently been denied for a credit card or loan.
18. You have no way of paying for unexpected expenses. (Like health issues or car repairs.)
19. You have considered filing for bankruptcy.
20. You put off going to the doctor or dentist because you cannot pay the co-pay.

If you answered yes to one or more of these warning signs, then you could be headed for bankruptcy or a serious debt problem. Hopefully, you are early enough in the stages of debt that you can take preventative action. Here's a simple 2-step action plan:

1. Start budgeting. Chances are, if you've been having trouble paying bills and other expenses each month, you haven't been living by a budget. What better time to start than now.

2. Cut back. Use your budget to evaluate your spending. Take note of leisure expenses such as movie rentals and restaurant dinners.

If your situation is beyond budgeting and cutting back spending then I recommend you get help...

Get professional help. Seek out a reputable online debt consolidation company to assist you in paying off your credit cards and other unsecured debt.

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