It’s pretty ironic to spend so much of your income paying off student loans after graduation, like a cycle of debt. You get into debt to get an education, then you spend the rest of your working years, getting yourself out of debt. The good news is you don’t have to put all of your student loans onto high interest rate credit cards. There are several loans that have very small interest rates and can be deferred for a very long time until you are ready to pay them off. Once you are ready to pay them off, the interest accrued is minimal too. Some of the more popular debt consolidation loan leads are Great Lake student loan consolidation , Sallie mar student loan consolidation, ACS student loan consolidation the Canada student loan debt consolidation loans. great services allow recent graduates the chance to have a life outside of just paying off their debt. With college tuition rising each year, it is almost uncommon to find a student that doesn’t have a bit of loans to worry about.
For those of us who have to pay college all on our own may look to the future. For those of us having kids, you may want to set up a trust fund for your kids or an education IRA or an IRA newborn - which is an account that continues to grow in wealth while your children are growing up. The beauty of it is that it allows your children the opportunity to decide to work while going to school, or just focus on their studies. I know that growing up, and knowing that I may have the opportunity to go to college for free may have drastically changed my outlook on things. Maybe you are thinking, “I just got out of college, I really am not thinking about kids right now,” or you may be thinking, I am 35 years old and still paying off debt! Academic student loan consolidation services can help you out. Check online services to help you find just the right consolidation service that is right for you and know that in case you decide to go back to school- you have the option to defer them until you graduate and start over with student loans again!