Care in the Form of Medicine

By: Atty. Gabriel Cosh

History standing as a witness shows that man has one of the most potent, if not the most potent immune system. So potent in fact, that it has its inherent means to adapt to a changing environment. Man has been in existence for as long as we know, and despite the changes in weather, and the rise and eventual fall of different fatal, death-causing illnesses still man had find its way to survive.

Yet despite this seeming invulnerability, a human being is still a mortal, which causes him to bleed, age, and eventually die. With the advent of new technology and medicine though, the inevitable effects of age and diseases have been prolonged if not totally eradicated. Medicines in our present time are already viewed as a supplement for a healthy living. It even is already at a point where some people are overly dependent on it, making it as the sole reason why they are even surviving and thriving.

The importance of medicine cannot be overly emphasized. The irony is that, with the increase dependence on it, the higher the cost for it to be obtained is the consequent result. Medicines particularly those which serve as a cure for a fatal or dragging condition, or those that would in one way or another relieve one from striking pain and inconvenient condition are often the subject of this increase in value. Of course, the overly dependent individual has no choice but to purchase these medicines since having these medicines spell the difference between having a longer life or finding their eventual death.

Our welfare government understands this predicament, hence, it has adopted a way of subsidizing as much as possible the cost of these essential medicines. The Medicare System which to the present time is a brainchild of the Social Security Administration has helped a lot in answering these brewing problems. With Medicare, the cost of medicines have been cut to half or even more, depending on the brand of drug, and what the disease it tries to cure. The Medicare Program has brought a system of healing accessible to man, it has now made a somewhat shaken specie have a different view on survival. Who knows, the Medicare system might even lead to prolonged living, at looking at man ages 80 and above grazing our streets would be a common sight.

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