Sales of Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are growing at an average of 30% per annum. It's a phenomenon largely driven by developments in UPS design, increased awareness amongst end customers of the risk of power problems and a growing interest in power protection and business continuity issues.
A reputable manufacturer and/or reseller will be able to help with UPS location. Indeed, an enlightened consultative sales process will offer the best possible UPS solution, support future business continuity and long-term peace of mind. Choosing a suitable UPS location is vital - getting it wrong can cost your business dearly.
UPS location depends on the type of system
The UPS location issues will depend upon the type of uninterruptible power supply required. While smaller, transformerless UPS may be installed in an office - even on a desktop - uninterruptible power supplies from 15kVA will usually go into computer rooms. Suitable UPS location for larger systems (especially transformer-based) will involve housing in a specialized plant or switchgear room, which may have to be specially constructed. This, in itself, may require planning permission.
So, what are the main UPS location issues to be considered? As with most electrical equipment, UPS needs the following:
&bullSpace for efficient heat dissipation (or even air-conditioning).
&bullAccess for UPS installation and subsequent maintenance.
&bullUPS location for future system expansion.
&bullEase of electrical connection and removal of loads
&bullProvision for battery replacement.
&bullUPS location in a dust-free, low humidity environment.
&bullPositioning away from public access areas to avoid accidental (or deliberate) disconnection or damage.
&bullA constant ambient temperature to maximize UPS battery service life.
Don't forget floor loading
With its associated battery set, even a small uninterruptible power supply can be surprisingly heavy. Good practice in UPS location involves ensuring correct floor loadings - something that's easily overlooked. Apart from the logistical challenge of UPS location, a question that must be assessed is - does the building have false floors? If so, they may require reinforcement. Location may also dictate the use and implementation of extendable legs, raised floor pedestals or a spreader plate.
Many smaller UPS systems can be installed indoors. But, if the UPS location is outside, you'll need to make sure it's in a weatherproof, soundproof, temperature controlled enclosure. In this instance, it may not be possible to house UPS batteries in the same location. They may need to be sited elsewhere; rack-mounted in a server room, for example, and cabled up to the UPS unit.
If the UPS is offsite, monitoring is a key consideration - how will it be checked for alarm conditions? Indoors or outdoors, uninterruptible power supply location should never be near piping, sprinklers or anywhere susceptible to flooding.
Guiding you through the UPS location process
Although it is just one component of business continuity planning, is a big responsibility, particularly for large, enterprise-wide network solutions. An established manufacturer, such as Riello UPS, or a reputable UPS reseller, will have the resources to guide users throughout the specification, installation, commissioning and operation processes.
As so often in business (and in buying a house), location is everything - and an understanding of the main UPS location watch-points will help derive the best possible value from a chosen UPS solution. It will also go a long way towards assuring the power protection components of a business continuity plan.