How to Get Into your Bios and Change Settings

By: Mitz

By Mitz
Sooner or later you will have to go into your computers bios and change certain settings. The main reason I go in there is to set the boot sequence or boot order of the computer. Different computer makes and models have different version and types of bios however they all have the common basics, but may call them different things.
To access any bios on any computer you must watch the startup screen on the computer. It will usually say "To enter setup press......." Some common keys you may have to press are F1, F2, F10, or maybe the delete key.

You must press this key when the startup screen is showing. If you miss this you have to restart again.
Once you have entered the bios there will be a menu to choose from. Some Bios have Boot sequence as a menu item, but if they do not you have to find it under another menu name. Once you have found it, change the cd rom to be the first to boot to, then hard drive as the second. This is for when you format your computer. To change it back, repeat steps and change it to boot to hard drive 0.
1..For tips on how to control, change, and save bios settings look at the bottom of the screen. It tells you which key to press.
2..Do not change anything you are not sure of. Changing the settings can easily cause your computer to stop working or have major annoying problems.
3..When you are not sure what you have done you can go in and choose to restore to system default settings. This is a good way to get out of trouble.


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