When you have a lot of documents stored on your system, there is no doubt about it that you have tried deleting certain files at one time or another. The process of deleting files is quite simple. All you have to do is click on the file, and then choose the ‘delete’ option. But does this really delete the file effectively? When you perform this delete function, does this mean that the file or document has been erased for good? There are actually a lot of ways for you to erase recent documents. Just to be clear on one thing: the mere act of deleting a file from your system and emptying out your recycle bin does not really delete the file completely and in its entirety.
Yes, emptying out the recycle bin can indeed erase the file, but just not completely. What actually happens here is that the file is indeed erased, but the space that has been assigned to that file is still in existence. And that space will continue to exist until such time that another file would be created, and that space would be overwritten by that newly created file.
Now, during that time period when the space has not been overwritten yet, there are actually software applications that can easily retrieve the file in question, just from the existence of that very space it used to occupy. Yes, there are certainly software programs that can conveniently do this for you.
Thus, the effective way to erase recent documents, especially the ones that contain sensitive information, is to perform disk wiping. This is one method that can delete files in the securest way possible. What’s more, with disk wiping, you are sure that the files are deleted for good. Disk wiping is even a process that you can use to securely delete licensed software applications and other storage devices that you have on your system. With the implementation of disk wiping, you no longer have to worry about eliminating allotted spaces of deleted files by overwriting these spaces. You also won’t have to worry about the risks of the deleted files being retrieved by just about anyone connected to your system.
There are different solutions to disk wiping that are in the market nowadays. These different solutions inevitably contain different interfaces and features. But the common thread here is that the program writes the whole disk with a zero or a one so that a reformat would no longer be needed. At present, you can even enjoy the free trial versions of these disk wiping solutions on the web. This way, you can try out the different features and interfaces of the various disk wiping applications in the market right now. Once you find the one that suits your needs the most, you can then choose to purchase the complete version, either online or from your reliable computer store as well.
Now that you know how to erase recent documents efficiently, you can then rest easy about the files you have deleted, specifically the files that contain sensitive and financial information.