How To Avoid Becoming A Victim of Identity Theft

By: Clyde Dennis

With identity theft statistics currently at an all time high, and climbing, it just makes sense that we should all be doing everything we can to protect ourselves.

One of the most prevalent yet overlooked ways your personal information and passwords may be being compromised is through the presence of Spyware on your computer.

Note these very disturbing Facts about Spyware and Identity Theft:

- 27.3 million Americans have been victims of identity theft in the last five years, including 9.91 million people or 4.6% of the population in the last year alone.

- Spyware infects 91% of all computers. That equates to an alarming 9 out of 10 computers!

Stop thinking Identity Theft can’t happen to you. It can.

Spyware is without doubt the most prevalent threat to online computer privacy and security.

You maybe wondering, exactly what is Spyware?

Spyware applications are programs and files that hide on your PC's hard drive without your direct knowledge.

They allow hackers and advertising companies to track your every move, both online and even when you work offline.

Tracking the websites you visit, the items that you buy online, the emails you send and receive, your Instant Message dialog, and worst of all they can even record your credit card number, personal identification numbers, and all of your passwords.

If you use dial-up to connect to the Internet then spyware can be used to bill 900 numbers to your telephone bill.

Spyware allows hackers to take control of your browser and alter your computer system files.

These computer parasites slow down your Internet connection by inundating you with unwanted Spyware pop-up ads.

This is just a short list of the harm that Spyware can cause.

Note: Spyware and Adware cannot be detected by anti-virus and firewall software.

Have you noticed your computer running slower than ever?

The reason for that may have to do with online advertisers adding Spyware, or Adware to your computer without your knowledge.

What is Adware?

Adware works very much like Spyware.

Adware is software that will show you popup ads over and over. These files can also be extremely dangerous to your PC and could cause major problems with your Computer.

If you’re still wondering why you should be concerned about adware or spyware, consider this reality.

Through the use of adware and spyware your passwords, credit card numbers and other personal information could end up in the wrong hands.

In an attempt to provide some much-needed information on the subject of spywareFeature Articles, adware and identity theft I’ve compiled a Special Report called Spyware! How To Get and Stay Safe.

The report is in PDF format and can be had for the asking by visiting the following URL:


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