Have you ever tried to insert 0 before sequel of numbers in Excel? You may think that what is the use of appending 0 before sequel of numbers because in mathematics 123 is same as 0123 but there are some areas where these two numbers are treated as different number.
Many applications must have 0 in front.
For example in banks, our account number is an entity which distinguishes us from all others. Having a zero and without zero, may mean an account number with two completely different persons altogether. For example;
- Account no. 123 is different from 0123.
- Both the account number belongs to two different persons.
Unfortunately with excel sheet,
if you write 0123 in the cell of excel sheet, 0 will be automatically removed as we move to the next cell. We can't ignore zero as you know how it is important to us.
How to Insert 0 Before Any Number in Excel?
You can add zero before any number in excel by performing the following steps:
- 1) Open the MS Excel worksheet.
- 2) Write the number in the cell before you want to add zero.
- 3) Right click the mouse in the cell, select Format Cells... option. Format Cells window will be displayed.
- 4) Select the Numbers tab from the window then click custom option from the left Category: section.
- 5) Select 0 option from the Type section.
- 6) Type the no. of zeroes as many as your number contains digit. For example, your number is 12345, so now you need to enter five zeros after the selected 0 in the type section i.e. 000000.
- 7) Click OK.
The number of zeros entered by you will be converted to digits and the result would be 012345.
Dealing with Corrupted MS Excel
MS excel file, especially those containing transaction records, amount payable, amount receivable, inventory control tend to get corrupted quite easily. Mainly due to due to virus attacks, improper system shutdown and error in the disk. Always remember to backup your MS excel files at least once a week. This will save you precious time and money.