Company websites usually turn out to be one of two things. They can be one of the most cost effective marketing tools for the business, or they can be a waste of time and money. The days of simply having a website just for the sake of having one are long gone. There are lots of benefits to having an effective company website, of course, but in nowadays it is no longer a luxury but a requirement. Who will you pick to prepare your website and how will you ensure that your time and money will be well invested?
Before you even look at designers to hire, you must determine exactly what you want your website to accomplish. Will it be a simple brochure to inform potential customers or will it be one of the main selling tools with the capacity to close sales and take automated orders? Who is the target market online and how will you get targeted visitors to see your company website before they visit your competitors? Establish, as precisely as possible, the exact end result you expect from putting your business out on the web. After you have selected your goals, establish a budget. Your budget needs to remain a secret to any contractors you contact, however, because they will try to sell you on extra features to get the most money possible out of your business. Ask for quotes for services and ask specific questions about site maintenance and what kind of technical staff will be required to work with the website. Shop around, compare quotes, and make sure you only hire someone with a proven track record of satisfied clients. When you pick your web development firm, you should verify that they are on your team and not just temporary hired help. There should be non-disclosure clauses in your agreement to protect your company, and the designers need to be on board with the marketing strategy so that the important advertising elements are built into the site naturally. Many technical issues can slow down or screw up marketing strategies online, so make sure all members of the company you work with are there to help your business grow. A web development firm that is only interested in their paycheck will not have your company's interest at heart. One of the ways you can ensure that the web development firm you are investigating will get you results is to look up their past clients on the internet with your own Google search. Does the site rank well for keywords of interest? Is the site layout clean and do all aspects of the site function properly? If you were a potential customer, do you feel like the site successfully presented the company and the product to you and would you feel motivated to buy? Asking yourself these important questions as you choose a web development firm will assure that you make a wise decision. Take your time and avoid any impulsive choices and your company should be very pleased with your business website. |
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