Simple Ways to Tackle Children Bad Breath

By: Kelvin Ho

Nowadays, it is very common to find children who are experiencing bad breath. There are many reasons for this recent phenomenon. But for most cases, this is usually caused by children not paying enough attention to their oral hygiene.

These children do not brush their teeth well and often consume too much food stuff that promote tooth decay. Such food stuff usually are sticky or contain too much sugar. When left in the mouth, these foods can become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

No matter what the cause of bad breath is, in order to solve this problem, you will need to find out the underlying cause of it. This involves recording the times when this condition usually occurs so that you will be able to narrow your search to the possible causes. Whatever the case may be, you need not panic as, in most cases, this is not a severe problem and your child is perfectly healthy.

Cause of Bad Breath In Children
Saliva helps to keep our mouth clean. During the day, the child saliva helps by washing away bad breath causing agents with the help of mouth muscles. However, when the child goes to sleep, saliva will not be produced anymore and muscles relax.

The longer the child sleeps, the more anaerobic bacteria that cause bad breath will be reproduced. As most children do sleep a lot, this allows these bacteria to multiply and their breaths begin to smell. This is also known as children morning breath.

Most children will also show bad breath during the entire day and this is normal because most of them will be breathing through their mouths. Because of that it will cause the kids mouth to dry and this creates a perfect environment for anaerobic bacteria to appear and grow in numbers.

There are a lot of reasons for children to breathe only through ones mouth. In children, the most common conditions stand in sinus infections, various allergies, colds or even tonsils or adenoids that are blocking nasal passages. Habits that the children have such as thumb sucking or sucking on a blanket can also cause drying of the mouth and thus bad breath.

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath In Children
In order to get rid of bad breath in children, the most common and efficient thing you need to do is decrease the mouth bacteria and increase saliva flow. Believe it or not, the most efficient way to achieve this is to teach your child how to brush their teeth properly. To put it simply, the better the brushing is, the less anaerobic bacteria present in your child mouth.

It is highly important that the tongue is brushed as well. A tongue scraper which is useful for adults may not be suitable for children yet. Hence, you may want to consider getting an electric toothbrush in order to make it both fun and more efficient

Mouthwashes and different fluoride rinses are not at all recommended when dealing with children because they will most likely swallow. Also, mints are not useful and as the child gets older the best alternative is still sugar free chewing gum or candy.

If all this did not solve the problems you should go to a doctor in order to get a proper diagnosis and treatment. Your doctor would be the best person to tell you how to eliminate bad breath in children effectively.

Bad Breath

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