How To Find The Best Cure For Acid Reflux

By: Cindy Heller

Acid reflux is probably one of the most painful afflictions known to Man. The burning sensation associated with it is extremely painful, rendering us incapable of doing anything but belching and attempting to ease our pain in any way possible. Many sufferers take antacids regularly to attempt to curb the effects, not knowing that antacids might not actually help. Alternatively, trying a natural cure for acid reflux may be the best option we have and may, in fact, be responsible for the quickest overall path to acid reflux relief.

Careful research and examinations are needed to find the best natural remedy, and with hard work, you should be able to find cure that works with your body. A part of a successful remedy is diligence. You must be prepared to go through a series of test and variety of options that can seem quite invasive but that are unavoidable if you are looking to properly eliminate the symptoms of acid reflux from your body. It is an involving procedure that requires your hardwork

Taking charge of your lifestyle choices is one of the best ways to start on finding a natural cure for acid reflux. Investigate your actual acid reflux and know what food and beverages are causing the symptoms. Staying away from these triggers is a great way to prevent some of the problems that cause the symptoms. Tests are available from your doctor to determine this information. They are painless and not at all invasive for most part, however some of the after effects may be and some of the following testing can be complicated. Therefore, prevention should be at the forefront of your plan of attack.

Other Possibilities: Herbal Remedies For Acid Reflux

Other possibilities of natural cure for acid reflux are available as well. With advancement in science to treat acid reflux comes herbal remedies for acid reflux which can be found at your local health food store. . Natural materials generally available in the household are used. This provides the feeling of home care and is easy to prepare. With these herbal remedies, the emotional stress of being a 'patient' is mitigated. It is worthwhile to try these natural cures to relief the burning sensation and inflammation resulting from acid reflux.

Herbal Tea

Herbal tea is one of the most recognized herbal remedies for acid reflux. It helps reduce the quantity of acid in the stomach. The ingredients of herbal tea include aniseed, peppermint and lavender. To prepare, mix equivalent quantities of all the mentioned herbs. Add a teaspoon on the mixture into two and a half cup of boiled water. Let the tea simmer for five minutes. Now strain the tea and add some honey (if you like). Drink about 8 oz at sunrise and the same in the evening for relieving acid reflux.


Other than controlling flu and cold, cinnamon is an efficient antiseptic and a trusted antacid. Spread some cinnamon and butter onto some toasted raisin bread and along with a little cardamom on it. Chew it slowly and totally before swallowing. This will aid in settling an acidic stomach and heartburn,


Pineapples, one of the most like fruits, have the quality of an effective herbal remedies for acid reflux. Being rich in enzymes like Bromelain, which reduce protein, helps to assist digestion; lessen the inflammation, and aid recovery. Fresh pineapple juice also contains plenty of these enzymes and is a good check for acid reflux.


The skin of organic grapefruit works very well as a good herbal remedy. First, you need to cut out the whole of the outer skin of an organic grapefruit. Dry the skins by placing on a flat dish till they get crinkly dry then store them in a glass jar. Chew a bit of these skins well and eat them when you experience Acid Reflux. Decide for yourself as to how much you need to soothe your stomach's condition at a time.

Chicory Root Tea

Chicory is known to many users of herbal remedies for acid reflux as one of the bitter herbs containing endive and escarole. Boil a cup and a half of chicory root for five to ten minutes. Allow it to cool and drink it to relieve acid reflux or heartburn.

In Conclusion

If prevention does not help in your acid reflux and if herbal remedies are not able to provide your relief, you will have to look at other options as cure. Although adopting a natural cure is good because it is the healthiest overall option, it may not actually provide the kind of relief you need and may be more practical as a form of preventive medication. Therefore, always consult your doctor for the different cures that are available for your particular case of Acid Reflux.

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