Acid Reflux - Foods You Should Avoid

By: Jennifer King

Although not life threatening, acid reflux is a condition that can become more serious if it is left untreated. And with a condition like this it is far more beneficial to your health that you prevent it rather than try and cure it. This will start with what you eat, and once you learn which foods to avoid you will notice an improvement in your symptoms straight away.

Acid reflux ( GERD ) is a condition that will vary from person to person so some foods that trigger the symptoms is one sufferer won't in another. There are a few major foods though that trigger symptoms of GERD in almost everyone. The first group of foods that any acid reflux sufferer should eliminate from their diet are foods that are high in fat. These foods are hard to digest and put a strain on your digestion as soon as you eat them. Your stomach naturally produces more acid to digest these foods so then you have more acid that is going to enter your oesophagus.

Some sufferers will just start taking indigestion tablets at this point thinking everything is OK, but it isn't. Long term use of indigestion remedies will eventually affect your overall health. Your stomach produces the acid to digest your food properly, and if you continue to neutralize the acid with indigestion remedies your bowel will suffer in the end from the continual undigested food that is passing through it. There are many more side effects of long term indigestion remedy use which you can easily find out more information about online.

Fruit and vegetables are a major health benefit to most people, but for acid reflux sufferers some have to be avoided. Acidic fruits like lemons, limes and oranges should be avoided. Vegetables that are considered acidic are tomatoes and onions.

Spices like chilli should also be avoided. Not only do spices create a more acidic environment in your stomach, but chilli weakens the lower esophageal sphincter muscle, and this will make your reflux worse.

Alcohol is something that should be avoided, or consumed in moderation. Alcohol increases acid production in your stomach, and it also relaxes your lower esophageal sphincter muscle. This is the same for smoking and drinking coffee.

You'll be pleased to know that there are foods that you can continue to enjoy. Eating meat is OK providing it is low in fat. If you eat chicken make sure you remove the skin, and try and stick to eating the breast of the chicken as this has the least amount of fat.

Low fat dairy products are also good to eat. Your supply of calcium doesn't need to suffer because of your acid reflux.

Fruits such as apples and bananas are good to eat every now and then as a snack during the day. Smaller meals put less pressure on your digestion so some acid reflux sufferers prefer to snack rather than have 3 meals a day.

Vegetables are an excellent healthy option to add to your meals. Vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, potatoes, peas, runner beans and celery are all good additions to a meal.

There are plenty of resources you can find online that will give you recipes that are GERD friendly. Your choice of food will not have to suffer as much as you think it will so your diet can still be varied and enjoyed.

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