One of the most frightening things you may find yourself experiencing is a panic attack and it is very difficult to fully explain how it feels unless you have experienced one. The very first panic attack often seems to come completely unexpectedly and can even occur whilst you are doing something that you do every day like driving, shopping, walking in the park, watching a movie, etc.
Suddenly, you are struck by a barrage of frightening and uncomfortable symptoms and you are convinced that something terrible is going to happen to you there and then.
During a panic attack, most sufferers will likely experience the following symptoms:
-Shortness of breathe, or a suffocating sensation
-Rapid heart beat and the feeling that your having a heart attack
-Feeling like your going to faint or even die
Very often, after the first attack, people will start to associate the activity or place as the cause of their panic attack and avoid it. This is where the problem start to manifest as the "avoid list" grows after each and every panic attack.
Learning how to get rid of panic attacks can be difficult, but it can be done. The key thing to take note here is fear. Panic attack is the "fear of fear". The fear of having another panic attack, constantly dreading that it will happen again. Its this feeling that causes panic attack to occur again and again.
Hence, in order to get rid of panic attacks forever, one must confront their fear. Learn to accept the fact that you have panic attack and know that it will not go away by itself. Next time a panic attack strike, confront it head on, don't run or hide from it.
Know that panic attack cannot harm you. Despite all the painful sensation and feeling of death that you have to go through during panic attack, know that they cannot harm you. Eventually, the panic attack will go away and nothing will happen to you - no heart attack, no fainting and no dieing. This is the key to get rid of panic attacks. Know that panic attack cannot harm you, assure yourself that it cannot harm you and you have nothing to fear.