How to Get Rid of Panic Attack

By: Andrew Lim

Panic attack is perhaps one of the most frightening experiences a person can go through. During a panic attack, the body reacts in a way similar to a "fight or flight" response.

Your legs may shake as they are prepared for running; your hands may shake as the large muscles of your arms are prepared to fight. Your palms and feet may become sweaty to give you better grip. Blood is shunted away from the stomach to the major muscle groups where it will be used during an emergency.

Due to these responses, sufferers will often feel shaky, weak, heart beating very hard, "out of body" sensation and finally, the fear that you going to die - convinced that you are stuck in that state for good.

Fortunately, it is not impossible to stop a panic attack, although it require great determination and willingness. Getting rid of panic attack involves time and willpower from the sufferer.

How To Get Rid Of Panic Attack

To get rid of a panic attack, its best to not to...panic! It may sound like an odd statement, but fear/panic is exactly what's fueling the panic attack. The more a sufferer fear/panic, the harder it is to get out of it. The most important thing to remember is this - its all in the mind. Once you no long fear it, panic attack will disappear completely. The path to get rid of panic attack is training yourself mentally and knowing that panic attack cannot harm you.

Despite all the symptoms you feel, know that you will be fine and your not going to die. Assure yourself that nothing is going to happen to you.

Don't run away from a panic attack. If it strikes you, accept it! Don't fear it or try to force it to go away. Accept it and know that it will never harm you and nothing will happen.


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