Panic Disorders At Work

By: Bob Bastian

Many people have jobs that are very stressful and leave them with a lot of work to do. Sometimes a person does not even have to have a lot of work to make them feel stressed out and feeling overwhelmed. It is not unusual for a person to have a panic disorder because of the work related issues that they are going through. People need to realize that there is help out there for them and that they do not have go through this ordeal alone.

Getting help to work out your career related stress is something that you need to do. You have to be able to work out your problems and get through the hard times. You have to think about what is going on around you. Are you worried about something that is going on at work? Are you worried that you have too much to do or is someone giving you a hard time? These are things that may start a panic disorder in many people and these problems have to be rectified in some way.

Talk to your doctor if your panic disorder is getting the best of you. You may want to get set up with some form of treatment to help you relax. You need to think about these things and what they can do for you. You should not let your panic go untreated for any reason. If your doctor can help you with medication this maybe the right way for you to handle the situation. However sometimes therapy is the better route for certain people. It is going to be something that you need to discuss with your health care professional so that you are not in the dark about anything that is going on.

If you find that you are having a panic attack at work and you do not have or want to be on any type of medication, there are ways to help get calm. You can take some time out for yourself and get away from the situation. Take a short walk or go to the restroom to calm down. You should not allow yourself to be worked up about anything when you are at work. You do not want to start yelling or fighting with anyone because this is not a professional behavior to have.

Talk to your supervisors if you feel yourself start to panic at work. You want to let them know that you have too much to do and maybe you need to have someone else help you. This is not going to be something that you should be afraid to do. Most of the time, your supervisor will understand and they will get you the help that you are looking for. If you are having a problem with someone that you work with, you need to inform your manager or supervisor of this as well. Things can usually be worked out by talking and there is no need for you to be all stressed out about it. Letting this go on may be the cause of a very difficult panic disorder starting.


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