How To Cope Through A Panic Disorder

By: Bob Bastian

Going through the ordeal of a panic disorder is something that is can be very hard on a person. You have to know how to handle the problems and how to get through it on to a more relaxing time. There are some things that you can remember and do when you are feeling like the panic disorder is taking over your life.

You need to first tell yourself to slow down. Repeat this in your head and think about what you need to do to keep yourself relaxed and stress free. Move your arms back and forth and stretch your body out. When you do this, you will feel better because the tension will be leaving your body.

You may want to light a candle and inhale the scent. Let your body go and enjoy the feeling of taking in the beautiful smells. Make sure that you are using a candle scent that you like or this method will not work. You should not overreact. Do not be all worked up over the little things. You need to keep telling yourself that things will be ok and that this moment will pass. Let the calmness in and have your quiet time.

Have some time to yourself when you feel that your panic disorder is getting to the breaking point. When you are giving yourself some time to do something that you like and that makes you feel good you will notice that this is going to help you feel better and more confident in what you are doing. Do not let your panic disorder work on your nerves and eventually you will feel better.

Write down your feelings in a notebook. This is a great way to get rid of the feeling that you are loosing control. Make sure that you are doing all that you can to write out exactly how you are feeling at that very moment. You want to express your feelings completely and make sure that you read it back when you are done. This will help you realize what you are feeling and it will make the tension ease a bit for your mind and body. If this does not work then do the old fashioned trick and simply scream. Scream aloud and you may be surprised at how this makes you feel.

Having a panic disorder is something that so many people have to deal with. However there are ways to work around these problems and you can relieve your own stress and tension when you use the tools and the tips that are handed to you in this article. Do not let the build up of tension and stress work on you to the point of no return. You want to feel better and to give yourself the feeling of being in control at all times in your own life.


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