Anxiety is one of the most insidious conditions affecting individuals today. Fear accompanies it, whether justified or not. At any time or any circumstance, anxiety can occur. By examining anxiety you can find out just how easily it can balloon into a full blown panic attack.
A variety of physical symptoms can accompany anxiety. In most cases, related symptoms can be related to heart, lungs, and nervous system. Pressure in your chest and around your heart may make you feel like you are having a heart attack. What brings on anxiety? Stress from home; stress from work; stress from school; stress from relationships; financial stress; stress from the loss of a loved one; stress from a medical illness; or drug use.
Symptoms such as these can be labeled as generalized anxiety disorder. The definition of an anxiety attack is an unrealistic worry over a period of time associated with three of the following symptoms: irritability; difficulty concentrating; restlessness; fatigue; sleep disturbances; or muscle tension.
Depending on the duration of each attack and the situation or event that triggered it, you may treat it at home and without seeking medical intervention. If your attacks come infrequently and only last for short periods of time, you can easily calm yourself out of the attack by speaking with a supportive person; use relaxation and meditation techniques; occupy your time by listening to music or watching television; take a walk; or use deep breathing exercises.
Be aware, that the fear may override any ability to engage in any of the before mentioned suggestions once involved in a full blown panic attack. Once the anxiety attack reaches the stage of panic, nothing said or done will decrease the symptoms. You will have to ride it out. This is were your breathing exercises will be greatly used.
Thirty years ago anxiety attacks were considered a nervous condition and patients were given Valium to control them. In this day in age it is considered a treatable disease. Zoloft, Buspar, Xanax, and Prozac are often medications prescribed. You must be told that depending upon your tolerance to certain medications, you may have to sample several kinds of drugs in order to determine the one that will work best for you. It has to prevent the attacks, as well as, keep your mind functionin.
Experiencing a panic attack can be scary. Just be sure to remember these following things; you will not faint; you will not have a heart attack; and you will not die. If you are home alone and have an attack, try to call someone to come be with you until it passes. If driving, and a panic attack comes on, pull over and do your slow breathing. Try to stay calm and relaxed. Do not try to continue what you were doing and ignore the panic attack. That most certainly will not work. Breath through it and you will be just fine.
It may help to just repeat to yourself, "I will get through this." When the symptoms pass, you will feel relief. Take a moment to regain your composure. Soon you will see that you feel better and you are alright.