Panic Attack Disorder Facts

By: Giri Anantha

Here are some interesting panic attack disorder facts. A panic attack normally comes out of the blue. It's one of the most terrifying experiences any person can go through, leaving you feeling shocked and distressed.

This is not your normal 'stress' or 'anxiety' or 'feeling worried' situation. It's much more powerful than that, which most people can never
understand. They may think they've had it too, but it's highly unlikely.

Generally, attacks last for several minutes. When it starts happening regularly, and if you start fearing the next one, you then have a panic or
anxiety disorder.

Some Symptoms & Signs

Feeling dizzy & lightheaded

Breathing difficulty

Chest pains

Racing, pounding heart

Fear of dying

Fear of losing control

Fear of going crazy


In the United States alone, it is thought that over 4 million people suffer from panic attacks. The numbers are probably higher. Many won't even
know about it, as they go from doctor to doctor, only to be told they're alright.

It's estimated that 13% of the world has an anxiety disorder. That is a staggering statistic. That means 13 out of every 100 people have some
kind of anxiety disorder.

Most of the time, a panic attack hits a person in their late teens and early adulthood. When it starts to get worse, a sufferer starts avoiding
situations. This is known as agoraphobia, which is even more serious. You will end up with no quality of life.

One important panic attack disorder fact is that it does not 'go away on its own'. Despite doctors telling you it's not serious, or it's in your head, it is here to stay. You will need proper treatment, or it can go on for years.


Although highly researched, no one can confirm the causes. There is strong evidence that it's biological. There is also strong evidence of
heredity. The only thing that can be confirmed is that it's a genuine illness that requires help.


There are many effective methods available. These include:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Alternate treatments like homeopathy

Self help such as The Linden Method

Support groups





Gradual exposure for agoraphobia

Flooding for agoraphobia

If you begin changing your thinking, this can lead to changing the way you react. Changing your reaction gradually forces the brain to react
differently. This makes the fear of panic attacks gradually disappear.

It takes a lot of big and little changes to get over anxiety disorders. Work on the subtle changes, things that won't cause much anxiety and work your way up slowly.

For example, if you have panic attacks that are made worse by caffeine, slowly reduce it from your diet. Then move on to relaxation techniques such as deep breathing which requires time, effort and motivation.

After that, you could incorporate exercise into your routine. Time management is going to be a major factor. You'll have to organize your life to fit in your therapy sessions.

It's a slow process for most people, but you have to start somewhere. With a lot of changes and with proper guidance, you can make tremendous strides.


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