One of the most frightening things you may find yourself experiencing is an anxiety attack. Anxiety attack is much more than the simple feeling of anxiousness about an upcoming test or speech that you will have to give in front of a crowd.
You could be doing anything from shopping, driving, watching TV, etc and suddenly, for no reason, your hit by an overwhelming sense of fear which does not relate to the situation at all. You heart is beating fast, you can't breathe properly, you feel like fainting. In that short period of time, you feel like dieing - for no reason at all! It baffles you!
This is anxiety attack. Many who experience it often rush straight to the accident & emergency departments thinking that they are having a heart attack, seizure or stroke. Very often, they are told that there is nothing medically wrong with them and they are not offered any help or solution. This strengthened their fear that they are dieing and they are the only one stuck with some "mysterious illness".
This is how terrifying anxiety attack can be. The confusion it causes is enough to turn anyone's life upside down. One moment they are doing fine and the next moment, they think they are dieing.
But make no mistake, if this sounds familiar to you, your not in any danger of dieing. You CAN control anxiety attack and stop it forever!
The KEY thing you MUST take note here is fear. What makes anxiety attack so horrible? Fear. You fear that you have a heart attack. You fear that you are going to faint. You fear that you are going to die. That's why you fear anxiety attack, because you think it will kill you.
While it may not seem like it, anxiety attack can NEVER kill or harm you. This experience is part of the body's natural reaction in times of danger. Your suppose to feel this way during a "panic" state, when your under threat. That's why it can NEVER kill you, its a natural body reaction!
The problem here is that this body reaction is triggered for the wrong reason. You NOT in any danger but the "panic alarm" goes off. That's why you start to feel a barrage of symptoms that does not tally with the situation your in. Your not suppose to panic when your shopping. Your can't be panicking when your taking a bus. This is why it confuses you.
Know this fact, the feeling you experience during an anxiety attack is part of the body's natural reaction. You CANNOT die or be harmed by it. Anxiety attack feeds on fear. If you do not fear it, the attack will just fizzle out by itself.