There are all types of fitness and I have been working on 2 of them for the past 4 months.I am amazed at how many ways and how many people are out in the world to help.
It was very simple to get started with these 2 things. All I had to do was reach out and ask for help.The 2 ways I got help were with my physical body and my mind.
I was a person who did everything to please and support others. However, I found out after I had a heart attack that I could not do for myself what it was I had been doing my whole life for everyone else.I had to really want to make changes and decided to put my plan into action so that I would get the results I wanted instead of no results or unsatisfying ones.
Even though I had a heart attack and wanted to follow a different course to help my mind and body heal, I had a few times when I felt discouraged and felt like taking the easy way out.I could have sat on the couch and got fat and out of touch with anything that would help me.
When you are faced with a life altering situation some of us still find it difficult to see the necessity of change.Obviously something needs to be done or the event that got you to this point in your life will not improve.
I feel I must tell you that if you do not make changes you might not be so lucky if you get a repeat of the event.This is some tough talk I know, but take it from me, I am living proof that change makes for a better quality of life.
I was sitting on the couch afraid to move or take part in anything and I was afraid to go to sleep at night in the beginning.Lots of people told me it would get better ,and for a time I did improve.
The rest of my journey had to be done by me and no one else could do it for me.
I had expected my family to listen when I gave advice in the past so now I had to talk to myself and listen to my own inner voice.With training and a will to change I saw results I never dreamed of. Part of the change ,was seeing myself in a more well and powerful place inside my mind.The biggest tool I used was my mind and I used it to visualize my way into a more successful and positive state of well being.Just as my mind would sabotage my good intentions in the past I was now using techniques to over ride those conditioned thoughts of failure, anxiety and panic .
I have a website now that I feel is bringing great information and hope as well as positive solutions to the problem of anxiety and it's related symptoms.