There are a lot of people in the world and am sure many of you also have come across many such people who are unnaturally shy of the crowd. There are people, both boys and girls who are very wary of coming out of their shell. They hardly want to come out of the comfortable cocoon that they have built around them. It is a matter to ponder however, whether they are hardcore introverts, by choice or by circumstances.
I myself know a girl, who has all that a person would want in her life- a loving family, good understanding siblings, all the comforts and luxuries of life, and also a good career shaping up; but still she is very shy types, so much so that she is even shy of opening up to her own elder brother who is all love for her. But the reason she places for the difficulty that she faces in communicating with her brother is that she has not grown up with him. He has been out of home in her growing years owing to his studies and then for establishment of his subsequent business, but when he use to come for vacations she used to feel so shy that she would not even come in front of him or have food with him on the same dining table. The girl is however completely normal and today that brother of her is her best friend.
She was not abnormal but there was definitely something wrong with her, though it was not on a great scale. Today she is no less than a chatter box, literally speaking. But the question is, why are some people so abnormally shy. There are instances of people who are camera shy, there are others who get all sweaty and fret at the thought of giving a public speech. There are still others who are fearful of just standing in a crowd.
Now because these instances are so common they are thought to be normal but are these instances really normal. Recent researches have proved that people who face these problems are not sure of what they are and suffer from inferiority complex more often than not. Any kind of complex is never thought to be normal. So the people who are in one word afraid of plurality are not cohesive. They feel that they are not a complete whole. They lack, they are not par standard hence they suffer from a problem called the social anxiety. The term is self suggestive. These are the people who are most uncomfortable in anything that include the society and the larger lot.
The common appearance of these concepts should actually not be taken as an excuse as they are normal and not dangerous. Definitely they are not dangerous, but they are not congenial to the individual and social anxiety can also fuel up a lot of other complexes and complications. Than they will get more difficult to cure.
Diseases should be cured as soon as possible. As drugs are available today easily there should be no delay. Take the case of Xanax online, an anti anxiety pill that is available online along with free medical consultation. People buy xanax after consulting the doctors and this process should be followed by everyone taking or buying this medicine. If you surf the net, you will also find other cures for social anxiety. Lastly remember, one should not jump into medicines at the slightest hint of shyness. Medicines should always be the last resort.