Anxiety attacks usually begin with feeling of generalized fear. This fear is not provoked in any way and may or may not be tied to a specific event or condition in your environment. Soon, the fear overcomes the mind and then the body begins to react.
The body reacts naturally by releasing more and more adrenaline into the bloodstream. In certain situations, when you are faced by an immediate threat, adrenaline is helpful and necessary for survival. But in the case of an anxiety attack, the fear is unfounded or blown out of proportion. Common symptoms include heart palpitations, increased heart rate to the point where you can feel your heart pounding in your chest. Next is a feeling of dizziness. The world around you appears as an illusion, changing quickly to the point where you don't even know where you are or what is going on. You may even feel that you are about to die or go insane. This feeling of dread and impending danger is common to most anxiety attacks.
There are two types of anxiety attacks, acute attacks and mild attacks. If you experience the above symptoms and are able to control them, then this would be classified as a mild attack. However, if you were completely debilitated and completely unconscious of your surroundings, then this would be classified as an acute anxiety attack.
In order to break the cycle of your anxiety attack, you must address the symptoms immediately, even though they may seem difficult to control. At the onset of your first symptom, try these steps to alleviate the condition:
First Step: Stabilize the body through breath. You can use an ancient breathing exercise that has been used for millennia to stabilize the mind and body. The exercise is called "alternate nostril breathing". To perform alternate nostril breathing, you should use the thumb of the right hand to close off the right nostril and breathe in while counting to six. Breathe into the abdomen and then fill the chest lastly. Keep the breath held while you count to three. Then expel the breath out of the left nostril. When all of the CO2 is expelled, count to three. Now close the left nostril with the index and middle fingers and breath in through the right nostril while counting to six. Hold for a count of three, then expel the breath through the right nostril. Count to three with no breath in the lungs. Congratulations, you have finished round one! Repeat for a total of six rounds.
Doctors aren't completely sure what prompts anxiety attacks, but through careful observation and journal keeping, you may be able to arrive at the root of the condition. There are online coaches and mentors who specialize in anxiety prevention and helping you rid yourself of anxiety for good.