Do you often have sensations of fear which seem to emanate from nowhere and you have no control over them? Chances are you are experiencing an anxiety attack and unless you understand the definition of one then there is little chance of you learning to control them.
Many people will experience the symptoms of an anxiety attack; some may only ever experience them once, many will have them over and over again and if you are one of the latter, then you really need to see your doctor and talk to him or her about it. Why? Chronic symptoms may be masking an underlying medical condition. Tests will be performed to determine this however, if there is nothing untoward present, then the next step will be to deal with the anxiety you experience and find ways to control it.
What Causes Anxiety Attack Symptoms
Anxiety can be attributed to any number of things including stress and phobia. For example, a close friend of mine always feared being home invaded while sleeping and she often reported waking suddenly, heart racing and feeling an intense fear. She explained a sensation of frozen fear, unable to move and any little noise she heard would just intensify the anxiety attack. Eventually, she spoke with a professional about it and found ways to firstly work through her situation and then learnt to control it.
Surfing Anxiety
In another example, an acquaintance who is a keen surfer often reported episodes of extreme anxiety just by sitting on his board waiting for the next wave to ride in. He had a fear of sharks which is probably the last thing you need when you surf regularly. He reported anxiety would set in if he had to sit for long periods of time on his board. His mind would start to focus on the stillness around him and he would suddenly be aware of his legs dangling over the side of the board.
The element of a surprise shark attack would then start to consume his thoughts and with his heart racing at a miilion beats per second would then furiously paddle back into shore. It didn't stop there. Once on land, he would just sit on the shore, heart still racing, short of breath and feeling a distinct dizziness. I'm happy to report he also sought professional help and now surfs regularly without anxiety attack being a major factor.
Anxiety Heart Attack
Anxiety attack may be dismissed as insignificant by those ignorant enough not to understand the fear they can bring to those who suffer them. Anxiety attack is real. A report recently was circulated several years ago which examined the incidence of heart attack patients who presented themselves at emergency wings in US hospitals.
There were several instances where people experienced all the symptoms of a heart attack but after examination and a short stay, left virtually unscathed. Anxiety attack was given as the probable cause for there heart attack concerns. This is not to say you shouldn't seek treatment if you experience the same symptoms. Heart attack will kill so don't make your own prognosis. Seek help immediately!
Remember, if you regularly experience anxiety attack symptoms, do yourself a favor and see your physician. By doing this you are giving yourself the best chance of controlling it's presence in your life.