Overcoming the Horror of Anxiety and Panic Attacks

By: Jonathan Leger

Anxiety disorders and panic attacks can cause havoc in the life of the person suffering from them. Anxiety attacks are a source of great agony and despair for the suffering individual. When the attack strikes, it is usually out of nowhere or caused by being in a stressful social situation.

The attacks are characterized by shortness of breath, possible tremors, headaches and even vomiting. These physical symptoms can be unbearable and lead to psychological damage and fear of any activity.

Fortunately the condition can be treated and possibly even cured. For long time victims of the condition, this is a godsend. There are two trains of thought when considering a cure. Treating the condition with drugs or treating the condition with other natural alternatives.

The medication available has gone through a great deal of change over the course of the last few years. At the beginning, anxiety disorder drugs were nothing more than converted depression medication. At first, sufferers were given slight relief from their pain. This small benefit to affected persons hastened the arrival of better and more refined medications. Some things to consider:

-These medications include a various number of different classifications of drugs including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs.

-Controlling the balance of serotonin is important in helping dictate the mood of the anxious person being hindered by the condition.

-Other less reliable drugs called tricyclics are used less often due to very harmful side effects.

-All drugs have side effects and all drugs offer only temporary relief to the problem of anxiety.

-Always consult the health care practitioner that prescribe the drug in the first place if experiencing any discomfort and if the problem persists, discontinue use if possible and seek alternative means to deal with the condition.

What are these alternative potential cures to the condition? One is called relaxation therapy. This focuses on deep breathing and helping the person better control their feelings of anxiety. Stress can be dealt with in a calm manner and though this kind of cure takes time and patience, it has absolutely no side effects and can be learned by anyone very quickly.

Another natural cure is known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This is based on the fact that our thoughts and emotions play a key role in the physicality of our bodies. Negative thoughts and emotions can be detrimental to our health and cause illness and conditions like anxiety to flourish and become stronger.

So, instead of believing that situations and external factors are the cause, it is believed that only internal reactions make us feel bad or frightened. Learning to control these reactive negative thoughts can be quick and effortless with practice and determination. CBT is relatively painless compared to other cures for anxiety disorder and should be considered when looking for alternatives to drugs.

There is no one cure for anxiety. Everyone is different and must make their own choice when face with this potentially life altering condition. By doing some research and looking at all options, one can take control of their lives and be well again.


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