It’s Just a Number

By: Eva Gregory

There are thousands of stories about people who did not let age stop them in the pursuit of their goals. I’m sure you recall hearing of 70+ year old new college graduates, or teenagers who are inventors of multi-million dollar gadgets and/or owners of companies. It can be done. It just depends on attitude. How does your attitude measure up?

Michael had wanted to run his own business from the time he could remember, but he was never a big risk taker. After many years of working for others, ever increasing job dissatisfaction, and numerous excuses, Michael had had enough. He put a business plan together and was all set to make the leap, but before he could put his plans into action his friends began asking him questions about his business and put a bug in his ear. They told him that at 45 he was too old to start his own construction business. They told him that construction was a young man’s business. They told him that he needed to continue to work for someone else, build his pension, and collect a steady paycheck to support his family.

Michael was crushed. Since all of his friends worked in the very field that he was considering starting his business in, he figured that they knew what was best, so he decided to shelf his plans. Michael would have just let his dreams die, but his wife was not having it. She told him that she’d watched him put everyone first and talk himself out of his dream because of his age and he was being foolish. They discussed it and Michael realized that he’d been using his age as an excuse, a crutch that has enabled him for all these years when his age should have been thought of as an asset. With age came experience, wisdom, and unerring intuition, all skills that could help him make a success of his business. So Michael took the leap.

Have you made your leap? Have you put off a goal, dream or desire because of age or another limiting factor? Have you examined all of the possibilities? Does the limiting factor really have as much power as you think it does, or are your doubts fanning the flames? Take a step back and look at things from all angles, seek the advice of a friend or partner and get their take on it. Don’t let years pass by like Michael did, or worse continue to let them pass by without trying to use them to your advantage. Age is just a number and each challenge is an opportunity. Your attitude matters. You're not too old to try something new and never too old to give up on your dreams. They may require a bit of tweaking, but if you want something bad enough, believe in yourself, and trust the universeArticle Submission, and your desires will have no bounds.


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