3 Simple Strategies to boost Your Self Worth

By: Olakunbi Korostensky

1. Let go of your self-doubts by not ignoring them. Self doubts such as “I am not sure I can make this work" or “am I good enough?" can overpower you if you give in to them.

Know what your self doubts are. Do the best you can to accept them without identifying yourself with their charged feelings. For these feelings are really not you. When you feel comfortable enough with the feelings, release them. Let them go by repeating to yourself: "I can let go of these doubts, because they are not serving me".

2. Raise your inner vibration by reminding yourself of your unique greatness. Most of us have made a habit of focusing our attention on our self doubts, that we end up losing sight of our greatness.

Remind yourself often about how far you have come in your life. Think of all you have achieved up to now.

Maybe you have helped other people better themselves. You may have made some exceptional discoveries which have enriched the lives of many. Or perhaps you have cared for your family with tender love, total dedication and commitment accompanied by tears and joy.

Remember that you are in this world to make your contribution in your own special way. Don't compare yourself to others. For you cannot be everything to everybody. Therein lies your unique greatness.

Allow the picture of your past achievements to pass through your inner mind. Recognise how your greatness cannot be quantified. Because of its uniqueness.

When you remind yourself of your specific greatness, you feel greater joy and elation which increase your sense of self worth. And as your inner vibration rises, whatever self doubts you may still have begin to diminish until they completely evaporate.

3. Invite people you know to tell you what attracts them to you. One of the things that can lower your self worth is not knowing how people feel about you. I have found that people who encourage other people for their feedback exude an indestructible sense of self worth.

This is one reason why testimonials get high praises. They help strengthen the self worth of the individual user.

Ask your friends, relatives and colleagues to tell you what they find to be your strength. What attracts them to you, and how they feel about you. Then observe how their revelations make you feel. Relish with pure gusto what you now know about yourself.

Use these simple and effective strategies whenever you fall into the trap of self-doubts, to get out of it fast and to enhance your sense of self worth.

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