About Us

Laundry Club with more than 15 years of experience in the laundry industry, with 12 outlets with a new collection point at Cheers KK hospital coming up to serve you better.

Laundry Club offers 30% discount on all household items excluding carpets, soft toys and curtains during the 2 months of GSS.
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3 Jun 2013 06:22:10
Address (Head Office)
Building image
The Centrepoint #B1-06, 176 Orchard Road 238843
Tel 6734 0108
Tel 6333 4436
Eastpoint Mall (East Point) #B1-15, 3 Simei Street 6 528833
Tampines Mall #B1-12, 4 Tampines Central 5 529510
Tel 6789 7988
Rivervale Mall #01-12, 11 Rivervale Crescent 545082
Tel 6388 3836
View All Branches
Laundry Club offers 30% discount on all household items excluding carpets, soft toys and curtains during the 2 months of GSS.
The service is good and fast. Will be back to wash my delicate dresses.
Trust your laundry to them! Their service are professional & thimbs up :£
If you are looking for someone to laundry your clothes with care, head to one of their shops as they branches island wide. they sure know how to take care of their customers. always treating garments with care!