How to Choose and Store Chocolate

In todays market there a several

excellent brands of chocolate,

both foreign and domestic. Each

manufacturer creates its own

unique texture and flavor by using

a special formula they have

developed with varying processing

techniques and ingredients. Your

chocolate purchase should depend

on what you are making and on the

flavor of the chocolate. A simple

recipe for chocolate cake would

work quite well with the less

expensive, domestic chocolates

found in your local grocery store

or market. The more expensive

chocolates are better to use in a

desert that has fewer ingredients

to mask or downplay their fine


The most effective way to choose

chocolate is to purchase a few

different brands and test them in

your home, use these guidelines to

test your chocolate:

· Flavor, melted chocolate

tastes the same as un-melted

chocolate; make sure the taste is

one you like when you eat it out

of the package.

· Appearance is another

important factor in choosing

chocolate, it should be even,

smooth and have an unblemished

glossy surface, if it is dull or

has grayish-white streaks it has

been stored improperly. While

this does not affect the chocolate

flavor to a great degree, it is to

be considered. The streaks or

dots are what is called chocolate

or fat bloom and is caused because

the storage area was too humid or


· Check the aroma as chocolate

that has been stored in an

environment where other foods have

been stored may have absorbed some

of their smells. Chocolate should

be wrapped in a light proof and

air tight wrapper.

· Chocolate should not crumble,

bend or splinter it should snap

firmly and cleanly when it is


· A smooth velvety texture, not

grainy or greasy that almost

immediately melts in your mouth is

the most desirable.

· It should have a rich

chocolate taste with a rich, well

balance flavor, neither too bitter

nor too sweet.

· After tasting chocolate, you

should not have a burnt taste in

your mouth; it should have a

pleasant chocolate aftertaste.

Store your chocolate in a cool

60-70 degrees Fahrenheit with a

humidity level of less than 50%,

stored in this manner cocoa and

dark chocolate will last for

years. However, white and milk

chocolate, because of the milk

solids, should not be stored for

more than ten months.

Thank you,

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About The Author, Carmen Sandago
C. SanDago used to be an office and motel cleaner earning minimum wage on a contract by contract basis, working very hard to make ends meet. Being forced to stay at home after her baby, she says it was like a "visit from an angel"... She had to find a way to earn a living from home... with no pedigree, a high school dropout it was like a live changing event! Today she makes in excess of $80,000 a month and enjoys an extraordinary life! She considers herself extremely fortunate to have found the right business to give her such break in life!