Baking a Graduation Cake

Graduation day, from school, college or other institution is always something special. And what could be a better way of showing your appreciation for someone's hard work than baking them a cake. Here are just a few cake tips that will help make this joyous occasion even more exciting and special.

If a friend or relative is about to graduate it is often a time to throw a party or other celebration to reward them for all the hard work and to help them set their sights on the future. This is a time when you will really appreciate some good cake baking tips. A really well made cake will the the cream topping to all the other celebrations you will be having on that special occasion.

Graduations are a great time to throw a party. The event not only marks academic achievement of the past but a stepping stone to advancement in the future and it deserves your celebration and and support. Graduation parties are such fun events anyway, not only for the graduate - young or old - but for all their family and friends.

Those of you planning a graduation party must first decide if you prefer to buy a cake or bake one yourself. Professionally made cakes have been gaining ground in recent years and the now come in all shapes and sizes and in all flavours too. Many cakes now feature exciting and interesting decoration and may be moulded in the shape of caps and gowns, university scrolls or other school and college paraphernalia.

There are some pitfalls to avoid when buying a cake. Be sure to plan well ahead and order your cake well in advance. bakers and confectioners may be very busy at graduation time and their order books may be full. As many students graduate in the summer term there may be quite a demand, so be sure to get in touch with your favourite baker as soon as you have decided on a party date. This is also a time to listen to friends and neighbours about their experiences, especially if they have grown up sons and daughters. They may too have thrown graduation parties and their advice and recommendations could be invaluable.

Another mistake often made is in not ordering a big enough cake. Everyone one will want a slice and some will want two or more. There will always be extra guests - friends and friends of friends, neighbours and so on who will drop by to wish the graduate good luck and they are sure to want a piece of that cake! Nothing will be more embarrassing than running out. Some of you may even decide to bake two cakes to make sure there is enough to go round. After all, the cakes will be delicious to eat at any time.

When choosing a cake, what about using the school or college colors? They can easily be incorporated into the icing or other cake decoration and the baker can always be persuaded to include graduate's name and also the graduation date to add that personal touch. Some will even impress a photograph directly into the cake in frosting.

Many others though will choose to make their own cake. It may take a little more time it brings down the cost and is always more personal. You can also let fling with your artistic flair. Baking your own also ensures that the ingredients are the best and you can be sure it will not only look great but will taste great as well. As I have said you can let loose the creative juices when baking your own cake.

You can opt for the classic look with a cap, gown and and tassel decoration or go for some more creative way of celebrating the graduate's achievements. Many might choose exciting patterns of polka dots, stripes or stars. Creativity can run wild with younger children who will love cakes shaped like trains or cuddly toys. The options are as great as your imagination.

Baking your own means you can make it that little bit extra extra special. One idea is to add a short quotation from Shakespeare or some other poet to add a little touch of class. Whether you opt for baking or buying always remember that showtime is everything. Don't hide that beautiful cake away in a corner but put it in the centre of the room. It's a good idea to add some decorative things around it such as draping a gown over the serving table or surrounding it with rolled paper scrolls.

And remember that one single cake can look a little lost on its own . Why not bake some sweets and candies, some biscuits or cupcakes to add to the party fun? Also, choose some themed napkins and some paper plates to add that extra ingredient. Graduation is a time to celebrate the past and look to the future so be sure to make the party go with a swing and wow them all with your cake baking skills.

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About The Author, Chloe Harrison